Massage Therapy

Many of our customers have discovered what practitioners have touted for years: massage therapy has numerous benefits.

  • Relaxes you by relieving stress and tension, which reduces cortisol
  • It improves your mood and helps ease anxiety and depression
  • Lowers your blood pressure to help prevent HBP-related dangers
  • Relaxes your muscles, which improves flexibility and relieves stiffness
  • Improves your blood circulation to oxygenate your cells better
  • Improves your posture and relieves repetitive motion strain
  • Strengthens your immune system by boosting your body’s cytotoxic capacity

These benefits are why Revive Medical Center in Lawrenceville GA offers its customers four different types of massage therapy from licensed practitioners who are experts in their fields.

Deep Tissue Neuromuscular

We recommend our deep tissue neuromuscular massage for those who suffer from chronic pain and/or tension. This massage works well in tandem with occupational and physical therapy and chiropractic or osteopathic treatments. As you can imagine by its name, deep tissue neuromuscular massage is intense, where practitioners release chronic tension through slow yet firm finger pressure along muscular grains. This massage increases blood flow to specific areas, and releases irritating muscle points, releases compressed or entrapped nerves improve distorted posture, and improves biomechanical dysfunction.

Hot Stone Therapy

If you have arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, or another condition that causes chronic pain, you might want to discuss hot stone therapy with one of our practitioners. Imagine laying down and having warm stones placed on the areas you hurt to release muscle stiffness and then enjoy a full body massage to ease the pain. This is what hot stone therapy does, and you can even sleep through it, which works well if you book a 1 1/2-hour session. Hot stone therapy increases your circulation and metabolism and reduces chronic stress, chronic tension, and muscle spasms. Hot stone therapy and the full body massage once the stones are removed also increase your mobility.


Finally, Revive Medical Center is thrilled to offer our patients pregnancy massage. Yes, pregnancy is one of the best times of your life, but it is also incredibly stressful to your body, mind, and spirit. Pregnancy massage can help relieve the stress and pain associated with being pregnant, and if you’re pregnant while reading this, that sounds good right about now, doesn’t it? Obviously, because you are pregnant, special precautions will be taken during your pregnancy massage, including your body’s position during the massage and certain areas the practitioner must leave alone. Don’t be fooled, however. Pregnancy massage will relax you, reduce your stress, relieve muscle pain and spasms, reduce swelling, boost your mood, improve your skin’s pliability, and help you through labor.

Doesn’t a massage sound wonderful? Revive Medical Center is happy to offer massage therapy to our patients as part of our overall health and wellness services. The benefits of any of these four massage techniques help place and keep you on the path to total body wellness.

Massage Services


30 minutes, 60 minutes
Reflexology focuses on specific points in hands, feet, and ears to target specific issues and reduce stress and promote relaxation.
*No additional supplies are needed.

Dry Brushing, Seaweed Wraps, Coffee Wraps:

60 min
Dry brushing decreases the appearance of cellulite, tightens skin, and detoxes the body.
This process uses olive oil, seaweed powder, coffee grounds, plastic wrap, essential oils, salt, sugar, body butter, natural brushes.


30 min, 60 min
We offer assisted stretching to improve flexibility, mobility & performance.
Resistance bands are optional.


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